The calm before the storm! 2012 is the END?

9:05 PM

“I'm old enough to be living in the future I was warned about.”
- Myron Krueger

Yesterday during dinner, our little family (ahem! there’s just 3 of us) were discussing about the global economic crisis/recession/jobs being laid off, et cetera (you know, the perfect recipe for indigestion) and I couldn’t help but worry if I  would be able to keep my wonderful job for long. Aside from that, I couldn’t also hide my concern for 500,000+ graduating students this March  and what might happen to the 20 million Filipinos who would become jobless before the year ends??? Ayayay! What is this world coming to?

And in the light of that subject, which ensued until today's lunch, my mom mentioned it could be because big companies have stopped investing
because they are building an underground city in the South Pole. Uhh... ANTARCTICA!!!??? She said something about a SOLAR STORM in 2012... which could be the END OF THE WORLD??? Those being the keywords, I went ahead and Googled these things and now I really don't know what to say. I've been reading nonstop and getting mixed emotions all over!

From what I gathered, the solar minimum had arrived in 2006. Sunspots have all but vanished. Solar flares are nonexistent. The sun is utterly quiet. Like the quiet before a storm. There's a  prediction that the next solar storm is going to be the most intense solar maximum in fifty years! And it's going to be in 2012 or earlier!!! NO WAY!!!

However, recently in December 200
8, they found unexpected, thick layer of solar particles inside Earth's magnetic field which suggests there are huge breaches in our planet's solar defenses. Accordingly, these breaches indicate that during the next period of high solar activity, due to start in 2012, Earth will experience some of the worst solar storms seen in decades. OMG!!! You can start holding your breath.

So why should we worry about solar storms anyway? For a number of things really! It could fry power grids, disrupt cell-phone calls, knock satellites back to Earth, endanger astronauts in space, and force commercial airliners to change their routes to protect their radio communications. So much hassle, huh? So this huge ass solar storm that is coming could short-circuit a world increasingly dependent on giant utilities and satellite communications networks.

My wild imagination is already racing with thoughts of the Bible stating there would be rain of fire and all that darkness.. Eeeeekkk!! Isn't that really possible with a solar storm? IT IS!! And we're doomed. So, I looked around cyberspace for more info and got these somewhere. I don't know if it's really possible but I guess we'll never know.

Here are some scenarios to happen:

1. The daytime becomes twenty hours and also nighttime, this means that the earth's rotational speed has decelerated. Cities and forest are burn to ashes due to the intense heat wave that even the lakes boil.

2. Ocean will rise up to 500-800 meters with giant waves at 250 knots. Then, there will be earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, massive lightning bolts and gigantic hurricanes with center wind at 800 mph.

3. There will be famine, diseases and virus spread, genocide and wars, and worst of all, mass suicide and cannibalism.

4. There will be meteor showers like thousands of fireballs from the gigantic sun's flares hitting earth at 4-8 megaton bombs. One massive fireball can possibly cover the whole earth with fire.

5. There will be darkness all over the earth for 480 years.

There maybe some survivors on the ground within the 8 years major solar storm but what comes next is darkness throughout the earth for more than 400 years... Not even a single grass would grow.

It's so.... biblical! Noh? And also in some Myspace entry for fun, I found this.

How to survive in 2012?

Stay away from the major cities. It's chaos out there without electricity/electronics, your car won't even start!... Go into the highest mountains in your area. Dig up a tunnel-like shelter as deep as four hundred meters or build a bunker with 16-feet thick concrete slab and 3-feet thick lead to get away from the deadly rays of the sun... Construct an underground greenhouse and stock live animals as many as you can, preserve seedlings too. Make sure that you have spring water in your underground shelter and install natural-energy-generators. When the solar storm begins- "do not stay outside or you'll be cooked like in the micro-wave oven". Secure a periscope so you can see what is happening on the ground.

Sheesh. Now it sounds like the WAR OF THE WORLDS or The Day After Tomorrow! Yeah, well... read on:

The only feasible area where to build an underground city on this planet earth is in the South Pole. It has a solid ground and there's no presence of volcanic activity, less earthquakes and minimum deadly sun-rays and fireballs impacts.

For those who survive (?) in the Antarctic after the gigantic major 8-years solar storm and 480 years of darkness, when they come out from the hole, they will be surprised that they are in the rain forest area. The earth has shifted its pole at 72 degrees. By this period, it will be 28 hours a day (not anymore 24 hours?) and the moon have move further away from the earth.

There will be 12 leaders in a new world order called the "Earth Corporation", from the Antarctic's 10th-generation-survivors. This time, they work on nighttime and go back to the hole and rest on daytime. One more big problem... The ants have mutated from the solar radiation and are now the size of the human being.

So I guess my mom's talk about the South Pole City is becoming more realistic than ever! If these things are for real, then I shouldn't be worried anyway because I know I won't live that long.

It is also said that before 2020, two large comets will pass in the solar system that will shield Earth from the gigantic solar flares and fireballs. Jesus protects Earth because he "still" loves us. Let us love one another and protect Earth from global warming. Believe! It's Earth's last chance!
And so like everyone else who has faith, when these things do happen... let's just accept Jesus as our personal saviour and we are absolutely SAVED!

⋆✌㋡ღ⋆ ia\m/^_^\m/ai 陳美西

For more info, jump to:,2933,478024,00.html

Watch this video:

Or maybe it's just a promotional thing for the movie???
Haay naku. Beats me.

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