A Beautiful Mind

9:20 AM

Everyone dreams of a hot, steamy love affair driven by wild intense passion at some point in our lives... well, most of us with imaginations anyway. Blame it on Hollywood, on romantic novels, and maybe even on literary erotica and porn. We all dream about that dashing debonair and that lady vixen, or whatever our fantasies dictate. But alas, it's not everyone who gets to experience such in real life. Lucky are those who ever get to try even just once, and then blessed are those whose fantasies are fulfilled each night. LOL! What am I getting at? Nothing. It's just me and my imagination tonight. Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one says dear ol' Einstein.

Let's start exercising our imaginations more, shall we? If Luke Skywalker used the force, then maybe we can, too! :) It's only mind over matter, and everyone knows (subconsciously!) how powerful that can get. I really think that's how I achieved my bust size. It only took 20 minutes each day, all throughout high school... and I think that really worked.

The key here is to visualize. Yep, that's right. If you're too lazy to get something started, why not try thinking about the results first then? Surely, that'll be more interesting to think about. After that, you'll be asking yourself how you can obtain it... and that'll get the ball rolling. Try it.

Play pretend also has its benefits. If it didn't, we wouldn't be doing it in school right? If not for moral development, it's for problem solving or building social and emotional skills. Just like using an object to represent something else while giving it action and motion. It's all in the mind. Have you ever hugged your pillow and kissed it thinking it was the love of your life? And I'm pretty sure we all played with Barbies and toy soldiers once. Sometimes I think I've had too much of these when I was growing up that I ended up with having not just one, but four imaginary friends! Or maybe because I was an only child. Nevertheless, I really think that excising the mind this way allows one to have empathy... you know, understanding and considering the feelings of others.

Mind games are fun. Noodle Boy and I do that a lot. Sometimes we go through battle of wits, sometimes with reason, and all the time, we end up learning a thing or two about how we can be stronger together, for each other. Nice.

And this is usually how we resolve conflicts. We don't fight because we argue a lot. Tee hee. I must admit, it would get forceful and raging at times, but that's the thing... a bit of stimulation and a whole lotta excitement! In the end, you understand yourself better and know exactly how the other person truly feels.

It is a fact that creativity is developed by regular use. Like our muscles, right? If we don't exercise, how else can we become stronger? The first thing we really need is desire. Then we plan, believe, become persistent, and eventually a positive outcome is inevitable. For it is true that once you set your heart on something, that will come true. It takes work, but I guess that's how we make dreams come true, too. It would take time as well, but patience is always a virtue and again, good things always come to those who wait. This is applicable in business endeavors because it all starts with ideas. And that right there is the product of your imagination!

My point here is simple.

Use your head.




And remember:

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