Yuck or Yum?

7:51 PM

The great thing about living in Asia or the East for that matter is the food we get the chance to eat. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of weird but truly delectable viands available. One of these is the exotic food selection locally.

I don't know if I'd get in trouble with Animal Rights and be charged with animal cruelty, but that sort of thing isn't really a big issue around here... especially when it comes to FOOD! I haven't really done any research about it except ask around, but people seem to get away with hunting wild boars or catching turtles to eat... or even dogs for that matter. I think you guys have seen me feast on some of that over the years. ;)

But this week's menu is not the sort of thing you see every day. Well, I don't... and the last time I had one of these had been years actually.

What the heck is that?

To find out, read the rest of my blog in HERE.


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