The Search for the Missing Piso... bolok man gud kog MATH!

2:21 AM

Unya asa man jud diay ning pisoha!?!?!

Sige daw... kamo daw solbad beh.. ingon ani man gud ni.

There's a T-shirt worth P97.00. Since I don't have cash, I borrowed P50.00 from my Mama and then P50.00 from my Papa. Now I have P100.00. So I paid for the shirt and I now have the P3.00 change. I gave my Mama P1.00 and P1.00 to my Papa then I have the third P1.00.

Now, I owe my Mama P49.00 and I also owe my Papa P49.00. So that's:


+  49.00

+   1.00 <-- the one that I have.


But it should be P100!!!
Now, where's the PISO?

dah maypa.

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