XXV (Though I know I'll regret writing this!)

4:00 AM

Initially, I DID NOT plan on doing this *ever*, but due to popular demand... and some spare time on my hands, I had to. So here you go, you asked for it! =^_^=

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. (To do this, go to “notes” under tabs (or the + sign) on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.) -- I AM NOT TAGGING ANYONE IN MULTIPLY! So there! Tag yourself if you want. Tee hee!

1. Purple will ALWAYS be my color.

2. The last meal I would like to eat before I die is Orange Brutus Value Meal #7.

3. I am perpetually broke... but I am happy.

4. I eat noodles, twice a day.

5. I am accident-prone. I have had stitches and scars from head to foot. Once I sliced my left eyeball (accidentally?) with cuticle scissors.

6. I have fertility issues... and my clock is ticking!

7. I am an excellent student but the worst teacher.

8. English is my forte. That includes spellchecking and proofreading. Therefore, I write with passion and a bookworm is what I am. People text me for word definitions. It should be called Merriam-Webster-Velasquez dictionary... NOW!!!

9. I have a weakness for anything battery-operated... and I reckon I'll die without electricity.

10. My dream is to be a housewife but my ultimate dream is to live forever in BoraBora, French Polynesia with my bao.

11. I *can* cook ANYTHING... except for rice. ^_^

12. I refuse to dance because I dance like nobody is watching.

13. Netizen since 1995. That's 13 years of cyberspace residency.

14. Math is the bane of my existence.

15. Of all things idiopathic, I acquired erythema nodosum. Obviously, I don’t know why or how and neither do 6 doctors I have consulted with. Go figure.

16. I won my first beauty pageant when I was 6. e_e

17. I’m a frustrated VJ, model, actress, and celebrity.

18. I truly believe that procrastination is very much like masturbation. It feels good at first, until you realize you just fucked yourself. =D

19. I won't use blue-inked pens.

20. I always wonder what it would be like to be waterproof.

21. I tried to kill myself once. But then overdosing didn't seem to work. Maybe I’ll try something else next time. (Just kidding!)

22. A song had been written for me and with my name “MARIA” as the title. You can listen to it. It’s the first song in the album: http://www.esnips.com/playlist/e5234b27-120e-4689-8fee-3b5aecb6c382

23. The only sports I play are those that involve balls and a table, i.e. ping-pong, billiards, and mahjong (naa man bola sa madjong!).

24. I just realized that I spent approximately PHP 500,000 in less than 2 years. There I've said it! Damn! And I've learned my lesson well.

25. My boyfriend's mother does not like me. I think it very well follows the whole monster mother-in-law cliché. Just another drama in my life. So I am gonna stop defending myself now because what you see is what you get! Me + Manoy = IN LOVE. End of story. <3

Copied from my Facebook notes.

⋆✌㋡ღ⋆ ia\m/^_^\m/ai 陳美西

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