My life just did a 180-degree turn...

10:23 AM

Just when I thought the drama was getting mellow and I thought about re-writing my life story, I guess I spoke too soon.

It was a typical weeknight. I went to Foodstreet by myself. I ate one helluva late dinner because I had so much work to finish that night. I stayed for a couple of hours and drank a bit – not excessively, okay? It was just Long Island Iced Tea. I know my limits especially when I have no designated driver. Still you'd say I was driving under the influence... yeah, well it happens to the best of us. So then I decided to go home when my phone was constantly ringing already and text messages were bombarding my Smart number. I could only think of two people in the whole world who would be that concerned to look for me at such witching hour. And I was right when I checked it.

So then I scampered towards home... in my right mind, of course. But then I got so distracted by my mobile phone, only about 50 meters away from my house, so I picked it up and the next thing I knew, my life like flashed before my eyes and there I was crashing my uninsured Troopee, barely missing the parked red car and hitting the lamp post instead. I forced the car to move, chanting “Oh, my God” a hundred times while practically bulldozing the gravel on the street, until I reached our gate... where my dad met me with a face I dare not even describe and heard my mom's voice screaming like crazy in our balcony. I could hardly open the car door anymore because it was semi-stuck. I swear... most of our neighbors were already checking out the scene. You know, I could have died right there. I wished I did but then again, I had enough sense to just say, “I'm sorry. I'll pay for everything.” Haaayyy...

So now, I'm on house arrest. FUN! No... but I think I need this more than ever -- to realize the things I need to, to change what I have to, and God knows what else is going to happen with me. So you see? Life is really like a box of chocolates. You'll never know what you're gonna get. But this is surely one that's gonna go down in my books. Paet!

Wait, is this even normal? Yes, I think so. I've had MVAs a total of 5 times in my whole life now... five where I was on the wheel and who knows how many others where I was just a passenger, restrained and unrestrained. I'm so accident-prone. I should write that on my profile now. My arms, shoulder, and neck are actually hurting a lot now. I did get a massage last night but I think that just didn't help much. Oh well... this is the price I have to pay for being such a retard.

But I still think I'm normal. Why? Because I'm getting a lot of zits on my face! Hahaha... Wanna see?




There... I think I'll go back to using the Local Obagi again since I haven't had the time to care much for my face lately, as most often than not, I get so wasted to do that. LOL! Now is the time to get back on my beauty regimen. Another Project Z again? :)

So what am I gonna do for the rest of the year? Hmmm. There's so much to do actually. First mission: I cleaned out my closet! Success!!!

No more skeletons? :) Okay, it's still a bit of a mess but at least it's sorted already. HAHA! And I heard my mom saying she wants to re-do my bedroom so I can have my own WALK-IN closet. Now that's great news! But I wonder when that will happen considering there's just too much expenses now and not even enough cash flow. :( Oh well... it's the thought that counts, I guess. Tee hee.

I'm so learning how to sing... properly, too. That'll take time but I have all the time in the world now. What else? I'll be blogging much, writing my prose and poetry again, and generally fixing my life altogether. What a mess I'm in right now! Such a hot mess, I am. Hehe... And I need to be more positive. I'm running low on that one. :( In my head, Shania keeps singing, “If elephants could fly I'd be a little more optimistic but I don't see that happening anytime soon... I don't mean to sound so pessimistic but I don't think that cow really jumped over the moon.” *sigh* Maybe I should start listening to Miley Cyrus again. That way my heart can do somersaults. LOL!

The good thing is that I feel like my quarter life crisis is just about coming to an end. A really special friend of mine said I should go with the flow, and while doing that, I shouldn't forget to make waves! Yeah, I can feel the waves now. Can you feel it? And God willing, it will be over soon. I'm so waiting for the year to be over, so by then I can have everything all sorted out, planned, and what not, and then maybe I can open a whole new book of life... not just a chapter, mind you. Are you with me?

Let's cross our fingers, everyone. ^_^

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