Catch & Release

7:22 PM

Genre: Romantic Comedy
The second movie we watched that afternoon was this one. Now this movie really stirred me up... It's about this girl, whose fiance just died. And as hard as it is to overcome the loss of someone you loved so dear and the idea of not spending the rest of your life with him anymore is totally UNTHINKABLE... but possible. :(

Now, the girl finds out that the guy actually had things he kept from her... such as A KID!!! OMG! He has a kid with someone else... or so yeah that's how the movie goes, and it all happened during their relationship and he's offering a $3000 child support a month! and poor girl didn't know anything about it...

Now here comes guy's best friend.. and yeah well, just watch the movie. :) it's really crazy, especially having 2 other roomies in the house that reminds you of Silent Bob and Will (minus Grace).


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