thanks 2 u guys... ♥ i will forever be grateful... ^_^
3:24 AM
Hopefully, gone for good. I truly am grateful to those who reported... (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!) and by reaching out to a troubled soul, you have made one very very happy now. At last, I can sleep. I love you all ♥
BUT WAIT... here's a copy of the message I sent to Naji and HER REPLY:
You have seriously crossed the line. You stole pictures from me to pass
it as your own. You're a no good thief with an identity crisis. And
you stole 100 pictures! Are you crazy!? To think you are a moderator?
You should be ashamed of yourself!
Naji: my bad and i apologize. i didn't want to be a moderator, i just wanted
to have your pics posted to have you join their beauty contest coz i
know your pretty and you'll win.
sorry for the late response im not online 24/7. im always on call at work.
teecee.. and again, my apologies for the trouble.
what a psycho.