Who is MyMaria?
12:14 AM I've had a controversial life. I've been judged, misunderstood, and most recently, impersonated. I'm nobody special but I am anything but ordinary. I majored in Management but suck at Math -- the bane of my existence. I spend my days/night as a medical transcriptionist. The profession pays for the Havaianas addiction. I like coffee. It is a laxative for me. I try to keep fit. I go on crazy diets. I would die if I would become over 100 pounds. I'm a little vain -- that's the understatement of the century. I take lots of pictures and they're mostly posted online. That is what really makes my life a very open book. One that is very prone to identity thefts. Nevertheless, I am STILL unpredictable as the rain. Expect to learn a lot from me, although I am the worst teacher. I'm not going to spoonfeed you with ideas but you can use my life as a reflection. If you don't know what you're going to do with your life, don't worry about it. I still haven't figured what to do with mine. I get along with most people. I make a good politician but I don't like power trips. I think that corruption and greed are the biggest pollution this world will ever have. I think world peace can start with me... with anyone one of us actually. It is my personal belief that if I exude optimism this world could become brighter and people will think clearer and be happier overall. But enough of that shit. Who am I really? I guess you'll have to be me to understand me. Take that you posers!
More verbal diarrhea in here:
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