It doesn't suck to be a PIG!

8:36 PM

My dad gave me this gift certificate for tonight's Chinese New Year's buffet dinner at the hotel. By gift certificate, I meant he only handed me ONE! What am I supposed to do? Go to dinner ALL BY MYSELF??? Toink! Guess it's time to persuade my homies to get themselves tickets for tonight's chow. *sigh* Let's see what happens...

Okay, so my BFF posted her Rat's forecast for 2009. So here's for all of us PIGS!


Another twelve months of peace and quiet coming up for you Piggies! What could be better than that? The Ox is in charge and he wishes you no ill. In fact, Oxen and Pigs get on like two Pings in a pong. [I'm not sure I even have friends born in 1973, 1985, 1997!] Always content to meet up and banter back and forth about crops and flower varieties, exchange country recipes for jams and compare the qualities of their respective honies. [See? That's not exactly my cup of tea.] Good old fashioned rural-living people. The only fly in your Ox year ointment has to do with work. You are anything but a lazy person. [And you have to state the obvious!!!] You enjoy producing and caring for what you produce. You take pleasure in buying expensive art and jewelry. [Guilty as charged.] And you covet golden sconces and antique furniture. All of these lavish purchases cost money. [Butange!]

In order to get that loot, you have to work hard. Fine. So far, you see nothing amiss. [I'm a workaholic now, so nothing to worry here!] However, the Ox is a demanding taskmaster. This year you will be working your squiggly little tail off. There be less time and therefore less likelihood you will stumble on someone irresistible at the beach or at a chic spa or even at your local outdoor market. So try to accept that this year will be best used as a time to generate cash. [That's my plan for the year, diba? I'm gonna save!!! FOR REAL!] Once you have done so, you will be able to kick back and take off for some museum hopping in Amsterdam or Rome or Vienna. [I'd love that!] Nose to grindstone Piggy. The Ox is watching. [Okay, okay.]

By "generating cash" I mean re-build your capital. [I am aware of my 6-digit loss, okay?] Whatever you do, don't re-invest in the stock market. Do what you are best at Piggy: Buy items of enduring value. Sinking some of the money you make this year into art. Either buy paintings and sculptures by recently dead almost famous artists or else go for the gold and nab yourself a bona fide masterpiece. A Goya or a Caravaggio or a Picasso or a Braque will never lose value. Even if you daren't keep it in your  home for fear of it being stolen right off the wall, have a reproduction made and put the real one in your safe deposit box or in your own person wall safe (Pigs often have such devices built right into  their  homes). [Yeah, in my panic room. LOL!] Same holds true for jewels. If you go straight to Cartier and buy a 5 carat diamond or a ruby and emerald necklace with tiny diamonds spattered decoratively around the colored stones, have a copy made to wear and put the real thing safely away somewhere. Those kinds of sure-thing items are classic Pig possessions. You Pigs love culture. And it's no secret you crave good food. But face it. You like riches even better. [I plead Guilty!]

And speaking of culture, this is not only a year for slaving over a hot job. You can use whatever little spare time the Ox year affords you to catch up on knowledge. We all have gaps in areas we wish we knew more about. In your case, it's likely to be art, music, the dance or the theater. Read yourself silly. Don't buy books. The public libraries are full of them and you can go borrow them. Or... you can spend an evening in the library itself. Catch up on the intellectual magazines you don't any longer want to pay for subscriptions to. Find out more about things you feel you need to know. French. Early Egyptian religion. Organic gardening. It's all there for the browsing. [So it really is a good idea that I go to cooking school this summer! Yipeee!!!]

Mainly this year Piggy dear, be careful to save your own skin. [Literally? Hmm.] You have a naïve streak that needs protecting. There are (as always) many sharks swimming about who would be only too happy to know that you have a Rembrandt buried in your garden. [Holy shit! I think I know what you mean now. Sheesh.] By all means, increase the balance in your Swiss bank account. But shrink the number of people you tell about it. [Got it!]

-By Suzanne White (The High Priestess of Astrology)

So wait, what about my LOVE LIFE??? Nothing interesting??? Bah! *sulks*
Then Dapoiee offered me some comfort over at her blog. Guess what she said? Lemme quote her. "Your love life is so secure that it does not need any forecasting. :D"

Now, I'm relieved. *hugs Dapoieee* I love you, bestie!!! And I miss you more...

So there you go, folks! But that's just a forecast. Remember: Life is what we make it!  Always has been, always will be. Shall we live life to the fullest? You betcha! Life is short, right? We only get one chance to live, so let's make it the best. So why not make the spotlights shine on your life!?

I'm going to continue living my life in the moment because the only thing that is assured in life is this moment and death. So let's cherish every moment of life and make it worthwhile. And while I'm at it, I will try to accept death now. It's going to happen, anyway. One day you will die. Let it echo through you, and you can begin to appreciate life. Trust you will be okay. Trust it or you'll go crazy. (LOL!) Live your life with the motto, "If I die now, I die happy." Wouldn't it be nice if supposedly you would die now to know that many people would attend your funeral because you've been a great person?

And aside from trying to make life better for the less fortunate people in the world, in my humble little ways (and my mom's encouragement to do works of mercy!), I will also start accepting other people, even if they're different. (Really different!!!) Well, I don't have to like everyone; just show acceptance and tolerance and maybe then I'll be cool with everyone [[extremely important in connections later on]]. I will also try to understand that not everyone has my world view, thinks like me, or has the same values. But one thing everyone does want is to be treated kindly. The point is: You can't judge anyone else because you don't know what that person has been through and how it's affected them. Not everyone reacts to the same situations the same way. Some have more tolerance than others.

Lastly, I would like to send this message to anyone who cares to read my blog: Be comfortable with yourself. Love and accept yourself, even if others don't. Know who you are. You will naturally become an outgoing person if you can do this. Also, have an internal locus of control [an internal locus of control implies the belief that one is largely in control of the things that happen to her/him], meaning be who you are and stay true no matter the situation. Be strong and continue to grow your entire life. (I'm actually saying this to myself, really. Hehe!) And stop caring what other people think about you. Just apply the faith and trust in the fact that you will die someday, to you, and the fact that you were meant to be yourself no matter what other people say.

Here's me wishing everyone prosperity, health, love, and joy in the Year of the Ox!

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

恭喜發財,利是逗來,伍毫嫌少,壹蚊唔愛 !!! ^_^

⋆✌㋡ღ⋆ ia\m/^_^\m/ai 陳美西

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