Remember what peace there may be in silence.

8:22 AM

I was going to write a kick-ass blog tonight [ahem! bitch mode!] but decided otherwise just because my mind set is still off. I was never the type to compose myself and proofread my blogs a gazillion times before publishing them. You know I write from the heart, from the deepest recesses of my insanity, and then some. I didn't want to hyperventilate from ranting and venting so I did this survey instead. A little preview of what's to come...

`Honestly, does your father approve of you dating?
** well, he's got n
othing against it..
`Honestly, what color is the shirt you're wearing now?

`Honestly, whats on your mind?
** need to finish work and party TWICE tonight!
`Honestly, when did you last cry?
** i'm no cry baby.. but sto. nino made me cry! hehehe
`Honestly, have you watched Shot of Love with Tila Tequila?
** hahaha.. i passed
`Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
** not just see... wanna BE WITH...
`Honestly, do you like someone?
** i LOVE someone, ok?
` Honestly, are you normally a happy person?
** ADHD :D
` Honestly, what makes you mad?
** people who don't mind their own business...who judges you unfairly... and not even try to listen to your side of the story... i hate that... and i especially hate people who stick their noses to other people's affairs. ever heard of the saying... "don't say anything if you have nothing good to say?" sometimes, silence must be heard. :P
` Honestly, are there any people who don't like you?
** yes, my boyfriend's mom and his sister apparently. classic, huh!? :P
` Honestly, do you miss anyone?
** i miss my bao now..
`Honestly, have you ever kissed someone whose name started with an M?
** as in Manoy... :) yeah, i kissed him first way back 5 years ago and i'm still kissing him now hahaha never got over it :D
` Honestly, have you ever dated someone longer than a year?
** 3 years max... :P
` Honestly, do you think that you're a good person?
** i am.. in general. ayaw lang gyud ko hagita ug ayaw ko labti kung wala ko nanglabot nimo :P some people are so exag gyud! OA ra kaayo sa nga tanan, way makalupig cguro.
` Honestly, do you believe in love at first sight?
** no
`Honestly, do you hate the last person you were talking to?
** archie...? what's to hate? :)
` Honestly, who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
** pajan
`Honestly, do you know what you want in life?
** i want nothing more than be able to love and be loved in return... ug walay magbuot MASKI KINSA PA ana ha!
`Honestly do you smoke weed regularly?
** recreationally :D hahahaha
` The last text you received on your cell was from?
** manoy ^_^
`Do you like your cell phone?
** yep... especially the prism phone hahaha
`Do you believe in true love?
** yes and i believe i have it :D
`Do you miss your past?
** i buried it.
`Are you proud of the person you've become?
** yes.. u can only imagine the change that happened in my life over the past decade. I'm glad i've finally grown up. :D and it's really true that with age, comes wisdom.
` What are you doing besides this survey?
** working XD
`Who was the last person you had a serious talk with?
** manoy
`In the past week have you felt sad?
** kinda... but sadness is easily cured hahaha
`How do you feel when someone kisses you on the forehead?
** so-so... why? does anyone have those kinda nerves in the forehead that makes the kiss anything but ordinary? oh, shut up and kiss me for real! :D

So yeah, you get the picture. If not, then wait for it! My upcoming blog that is. And it's not the Silence of the Lambs, ok!? ^_^

⋆✌㋡ღ⋆ 陳美西

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