Havaianas Flipping for the Beach: My Story

2:35 PM

This is the second time I won something from Havaianas... and I am ecstatic!!! No, I am head over heels madly in love with my jackpot!

I joined the contest in high hopes that I could definitely grab a pair, just because they were giving out 70 pairs. One of those should be mine! LOL! Well, there's no harm in wishing... wishing hard.

If you believe in something, it's most probably definitely going to happen.

What is it that really compelled me? What else but the exclusivity that only a few of these babies will ever be out there. Luckily, I get to have one of them. For keeps. Though I am not really a big fan of slims, it looks good on my feet so I guess you'll be seeing me wear them. ^_^

View my album for more pictures.

Last night (12:56 am 05/12/08), I received this text msg:

I think it's rather late 'coz I already got my prize... hee hee! Thanks Creative Juice/Havaianas!

UPDATE: 10:18 a.m. 05/14/08
Nag follow-up pa ang Creative Juice/Havaianas! Cool!!!

⋆✌㋡⋆ 陳美西

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