Zit-zapping and crazy cautery

4:18 AM

How bad can it be? I mean, really. To be a growing woman with bad skin? Well, it's not too bad if you have time to take care of it. LOL! It's been 4 years since I went to my local dermatologist to have her take a look at my skin -- my face specifically.

That's my face while waiting for my turn at the clinic. Thankfully, my "prodigal bro", Archie, was with me to keep me company. I totally detest waiting during doctor's appointments. It takes forever all the time. Hehe.

The beautiful Dr. Jao pointed out that I didn't have many facial warts, just a couple of tiny ones... BUT I had some milia on my face! I don't know which is worse, but I'm guessing the latter because they stung so bad. Ouch x 100! Normally, you don't really see these things on my face, and since I spend too much time scrutinizing almost every square inch of my face, it's inevitable that I would eventually fret over these minute details.

And so this ensued...



Yup, that's a lot of cauterizing alright! Like the smell of burning skin? Oh well, I take it as the price you have to pay for vanity. I had nothing better to do with my afternoon anyway.

After a day or two, I should look normal again, minus the warts and milia!

⋆✌㋡⋆ 陳美西

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